Monday 31 December 2018

Good Personality is Bad for Driving?!!- Personality Test as "Must Have" Requirement for Driving Schools

When does Goodness and being Nice become a serious negative in Life?
Only on the automobile roads of human civilization.

Until the day of perfection, when all the ills of driver behavior were eliminated, having a Nice Personality
on the roads could actually be life threatening!

For eg, being excessive considerate or cautious could slow down traffic causing accidents, or passing on the red due to  impatient drivers behind honking you on a slow red light. Or changing lanes unnecessary in high speed, high risk situations just because of impatient drivers honking your slowness  unreasonably. Or entering a fast moving highway too quickly, recklessly just because someone is honking behind you, rushing you. And in certain fast moving situations, as in highways, being  "not so nice" and decisive is crucial in saving one's life.

Niceness can really kill.
And being a bad-As@#@# can save your life.

Being totally self centered, strong headed, independent, CALM and oblivious to others' ridiculous demands in such situations are not only important, but crucial in saving your life.

A lot has been talked about of  the dangers of having a bad personality -  impatience, being emotional, anger  etc.
But little has been discussed and focused on how a nice Personality could also contribute to accidents.

Most people were born nice- and being nice means you should not be on the roads.
The roads are not for Nice people- Students should be made aware of this.

Does driving requires a certain personality never mentioned in driving school?
Students should be made aware of the dangers of their Nice personalities and  be ready to change, to MEAN UP,  to become a road warrior, in order to drive safely.
This important step is not currently provided  in  driving schools.

Before learning to drive, Personality tests should be given to all students in driving schools, determining their personality types, strengths and weakness, and  alert them of their Personality weakness and its danger. The students should be warned repeatedly that  some NICE personality types are simply too dangerous to be driving unless they are willing to go through that personality transformation.
The driving schools should alert the students of this important fact instead of just grabbing their money irregardless.

Furthermore, after training and personality transformation, students should role play the likely accident scenarios on video simulator to reinforce their learning- simulators are such a useful learning  tool all driving schools should  provide. ALL personality weakness and scenarios based on it should be covered  and practiced numerous times over to cement the new Driving Personality.

So yes, it is sad.
Until the day of human perfection,
be ready to wipe off that smile on your face, and become that mean, bad-as@@#@ warrior of the roads.

*** To MEAN UP or become that mean bad a@#$$ drivier, we do not imply to become a bad person and exhibit negative uncivil behaviors- it simply means to be aware of your weakness in being NICE and that certain areas of NICE can be dangerous, so u can adjust your behavior accordingly for safety.

For more articles, our  "Article Index" is  at bottom of this link :

Banning Public Marijuana Smoking - more dangerous than that cake walk second hand cigarette?

Yes it is Organic, and it could be Deadly!

Ever since various States started legalizing marijuana for recreation purpose, coupled with the scientific fact that marijuana is more natural with less chemicals than cigarettes, there is a serious misconception that public smoking of marijuana is actually safe.  This gives rise to many smokers crowding around public places (building hallways. elevators) and public  roads/highways(while driving?!) - especially public parks,  doing their daily smoke, totally oblivious to the kids and elderly around them inhaling the second hand smoke.

So is that natural green mash safe for public inhale?

According to the article

Study: Negative Effects of Marijuana Smoke Linger Longer Than Tobacco Smoke

Extract of article-
<  inhale of second hand marijuana smoke is three times more harmful than exposure to tobacco smoke, Matthew Springer, a professor at University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine, studied the effects of smoke on rats and found exposure to secondhand marijuana smoke makes it harder for arteries to expand and allow a healthy flow of blood.

People think cannabis is fine because it's 'natural,'" Springer told NPR. "I hear this a lot. I don't know what it means."
“We found that both kinds of smoke had the same effect on blood vessels and that marijuana smoke's effects lasted at least three times as long as tobacco smoke's effects,” Springer explained to U.S. News in an email.
He said tightly controlled marijuana, which has been tested, has less chemicals than cigarettes. However, any smoke is bad for the lungs, heart and blood vessels.
Plenty of research has been done on the effects of secondhand tobacco smoke, but little is known about long-term effects of secondhand marijuana smoke, making Springer worry the lack of research makes people think secondhand marijuana smoke is OK.
"We in the public health community have been telling them for decades to avoid inhaling secondhand smoke from tobacco," Springer told NPR. "We have not been telling them to avoid inhaling secondhand smoke from marijuana, and that's not because it's not bad for you – it's because we just haven't known. The experiments haven't been done."   >
End of Extract.

Second hand marijuana smoke inhale could  cause fainting, vomiting, heart attack/strokes, especially  for for those with weak health, also the elderly/children, and could cause  car accidents due to hallucination, fainting.

Other well know problems of smoking marijuana include the below.
One should not rule out the same dangerous effects of second hand marijuana smoke  until we know for sure scientifically.
  • Severe anxiety, including fear that one is being watched or followed (paranoia)
  • Very strange behavior, seeing, hearing or smelling things that aren’t there, not being able to tell imagination from reality (psychosis)
  • Panic
  • Hallucinations
  • Loss of sense of personal identity
  • Lowered reaction time - bad for driving.
  • Increased heart rate (risk of heart attack)
  • Increased risk of stroke
  • Problems with coordination (impairing safe driving)
So yes, to protect the safety of the innocent,  we demand banning public smoking of marijuana- including all automobile roads, with severe penalties on the offenders.

Second hand marijuana is NO cake walk cigarette. 

For more articles, our  "Article Index" is  at bottom of this link :

Saturday 31 March 2018

Personality Profiles- the Super Simplified approach to Myers Briggs, "Perfect Team Part 3"

Now u tell me! If  i only know the difference between Blinky and Inky, i will be better at Pacman!

Yes, sometimes even the most subtle of difference matters!  
A simple phase such as "i understand...."
could have wide difference in meaning depending on the Personalty types that said it.

The 16 Myer/Briggs profiles have been widely used in big corporations for team formation;managers and facilitators use them  to resolve conflicts and streamline team chemistry.
However, it is still not widely talked about, especially among casual social settings, for the main reason that one has to go through a sizable questionnaire of around 20-40 qns  to determine which of the 16 Personalty Profiles one fall into.  
Who has time for that?!

What if i tell u all  it takes are merely  4 simple qns to determine your Profile?

This helps speed up understanding of  yourself as well as profiling your friends, classmates,  family, workers, or anyone you are working with so to sidestep the communication errors and  misunderstanding, and  to streamline expectations while communicating on the same wavelength.
Life could be so  much more fun and enlightening knowing  who we attract and who we dispel.

Profiling also help us appreciate the DIFFERENCE among people.
Each of the 16 profiles has strengths and weaknesses, different thinking, behaviors, and nuances in communication.
It helps us realize that People are not weird, they are just different.

The Myers/Briggs profiling method  consists of figuring out 4 letters - for eg ISTP, INFJ etc
The first letter is either I for Introvert or E for Extrovert.
The second letter is either S for Sensing or N for Intuitive.
The third letter is either T for Thinking or F for Feeling.
The forth letter is either J for Judging or P for Perceiving.

We will present now our Simplified Model for Myers/Briggs- please note that this method yields a good approximation but will never be better than taking  the original questionnaire of 20-40 qns.

For the first letter, the KEY qn is - would you spend your FREE time after work staying home, doing things alone (I)  OR would you rather hang outdoor with friends (E)? In other words, do u like hanging with people?

For the second letter, the KEY qn is-  would u take on an average paying job with no chance for big payoff (S) OR
would you rather take a  low income  job with a slight potential jackpot payoff 10 yrs from now (I)?
In other words, are you willing to sacrifice for substantial time period for big payoffs latter? Are u a dreamer or realist/pragmatist?

For the third letter, the KEY qn is -if you were to play judge, will u be fully objective, fact-based, fully logical and rational in rewards/punishment (T) OR
would you be subjective, compassionate, make certain exceptions, and try to achieve win-win situations through persuasion and relationships (F)?
Do u  rely on Logic or Emotions?
Are you going to be Just  vs Humane?

For the forth letter, the KEY qn is-  must u resolve a PERSONAL  project by a certain deadline(J)
 it can stay open ended without real deadlines (P)?

The 4 letters will constitute your Myers/Briggs Profile which can be very useful for career and social settings- these we will explore  in next article.

========End of Article========

This marks the end of our 3rd installment on the Perfect Team.
Once again , a BIG Thanks to everyone who participated, your efforts very well appreciated, for without your precious input, none of these and continuous updates/revisions are made possible.

Feel free to share as all articles on  idu is free to universally everyone.

Idu Article Index on Teamwork -other articles

Ending the era of Failures- why good ideas fail....the Perfect Team at a single click of a button- the non Star Trek approach

Ending the era of Failures- why good ideas fail....the Perfect Team at a single click of a button- PART 2


For more articles, our  "Article Index" is  at bottom of this link :