Saturday, 31 March 2018

Personality Profiles- the Super Simplified approach to Myers Briggs, "Perfect Team Part 3"

Now u tell me! If  i only know the difference between Blinky and Inky, i will be better at Pacman!

Yes, sometimes even the most subtle of difference matters!  
A simple phase such as "i understand...."
could have wide difference in meaning depending on the Personalty types that said it.

The 16 Myer/Briggs profiles have been widely used in big corporations for team formation;managers and facilitators use them  to resolve conflicts and streamline team chemistry.
However, it is still not widely talked about, especially among casual social settings, for the main reason that one has to go through a sizable questionnaire of around 20-40 qns  to determine which of the 16 Personalty Profiles one fall into.  
Who has time for that?!

What if i tell u all  it takes are merely  4 simple qns to determine your Profile?

This helps speed up understanding of  yourself as well as profiling your friends, classmates,  family, workers, or anyone you are working with so to sidestep the communication errors and  misunderstanding, and  to streamline expectations while communicating on the same wavelength.
Life could be so  much more fun and enlightening knowing  who we attract and who we dispel.

Profiling also help us appreciate the DIFFERENCE among people.
Each of the 16 profiles has strengths and weaknesses, different thinking, behaviors, and nuances in communication.
It helps us realize that People are not weird, they are just different.

The Myers/Briggs profiling method  consists of figuring out 4 letters - for eg ISTP, INFJ etc
The first letter is either I for Introvert or E for Extrovert.
The second letter is either S for Sensing or N for Intuitive.
The third letter is either T for Thinking or F for Feeling.
The forth letter is either J for Judging or P for Perceiving.

We will present now our Simplified Model for Myers/Briggs- please note that this method yields a good approximation but will never be better than taking  the original questionnaire of 20-40 qns.

For the first letter, the KEY qn is - would you spend your FREE time after work staying home, doing things alone (I)  OR would you rather hang outdoor with friends (E)? In other words, do u like hanging with people?

For the second letter, the KEY qn is-  would u take on an average paying job with no chance for big payoff (S) OR
would you rather take a  low income  job with a slight potential jackpot payoff 10 yrs from now (I)?
In other words, are you willing to sacrifice for substantial time period for big payoffs latter? Are u a dreamer or realist/pragmatist?

For the third letter, the KEY qn is -if you were to play judge, will u be fully objective, fact-based, fully logical and rational in rewards/punishment (T) OR
would you be subjective, compassionate, make certain exceptions, and try to achieve win-win situations through persuasion and relationships (F)?
Do u  rely on Logic or Emotions?
Are you going to be Just  vs Humane?

For the forth letter, the KEY qn is-  must u resolve a PERSONAL  project by a certain deadline(J)
 it can stay open ended without real deadlines (P)?

The 4 letters will constitute your Myers/Briggs Profile which can be very useful for career and social settings- these we will explore  in next article.

========End of Article========

This marks the end of our 3rd installment on the Perfect Team.
Once again , a BIG Thanks to everyone who participated, your efforts very well appreciated, for without your precious input, none of these and continuous updates/revisions are made possible.

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Idu Article Index on Teamwork -other articles

Ending the era of Failures- why good ideas fail....the Perfect Team at a single click of a button- the non Star Trek approach

Ending the era of Failures- why good ideas fail....the Perfect Team at a single click of a button- PART 2


For more articles, our  "Article Index" is  at bottom of this link :