Saturday, 9 March 2024

Be Skippy the Peanut Sauce - it is more than ok to skip an exit

Skip one, no problem.

Skip another one, no problem.

Skip a 3rd  one, you are now Skippy the champ.

Being Skippy the champ isn't all that bad.  It may even save your life.

We live in a hustle and bustle society, constantly rushing to get things done, items to check off our to-do list.   For driving, that could be a negative mindset if we gamble on safety by impatiently changing lanes to force turns or exits, especially on highways.

In driving, we need to form a habit of  "if we miss, that is ok. "     

Or better yet, "if we miss, that is admirable.'   or  "if we miss, we are the Champs"

Time loss or extra time spent is far worth it compared to risky Safety. Even an  apology of being late or missing an event entirely far beats risking Safety.

Have a peanut butter sandwich. Be Skippy.