Monday, 24 October 2022

Only Superheroes can drive. Mirrors needed at highway exits.

 Recently i exited a highway, going to enter into a normal one way suburbs road with westerly traffic.  But alas! That road  has no stop signs or traffic lights on either side and is only 20 degrees to the road i was on - which means i had to have super human neck like mr fantastic in fantastic 4 so i could  turn my neck 70 degrees to the right to see incoming cars in order to safely turn left. The only way this is possible is for me to take off my seat belt and shift my whole body rightwards. Am i the only driver having this problem?

On such roads, the DOT should really have traffic lights installed or have large mirrors placed properly so one can see the incoming traffic.

Or have us trained as superheroes. Hopefully the ones with giraffe like necks.