Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Slope up, Slope down. The $7k Rollercoaster ride on the highway.

 I always thought of roller coaster rides as dangerous when i was a kid- took it only once.  But never would i thought i would find one on the highway!  

This highway road slopes up at about 20 degrees up and about 20 degrees down  with  the apex about 100 ft away from the highway exit.  

The driver was unaware of the slope or its dangers, stared up to look at the exit sign, and when he looked down at the road again, found himself just about only one car apart from the car in front (who suddenly braked as there was a line of traffic in front of her due to a long trailer stuck at the exit which is trying to  exit last second), didnt have enough time to stop and alas knocked into the car in front. Luckily, no one was seriously injured (merely cramps perhaps) and 2 damaged cars.  

This is a very fast and dangerous highway with a 45 degree curve near the exit. The up and down slope  of the road  is  very dangerous as the apex offers you no visibility of what is beyond the apex as one  drives up towards it.

What are the lessons here?

1. Drivers should be aware of the dangers of slopes - either highway or fast roads - and its apexes that offers limited visibility. Slow  down on such roads and be alert to stop.

2   DOT should place slow down signs in such locations and also warning signs  on limited visibility due to slopes and apexes - especially  near highway exits where cars switch  lanes to exit last second.

3. Never drive too close or/and fast to cars in  front especially if you cannot see beyond the  car in front - even in a normal flat road. It may stop suddenly due to whatever  reason. Give yourself  plenty of room and time  to brake.

4. slow down near highway exits and be very alert of sudden nuances  such as slopes. Or better still : skip the dangerous highway exits by going local.