Non Profit Leadership -
Ambitious the totally Unambitious ?!!! You cant be serious!?
PART 3 of Why Charities are getting it all wrong!
Revamping the Charity System with Passion Inc- is
having maximum FUN the ultimate Savior to all Social Problems?!!
It is often we come across individuals who have it all.
And yet they are totally without ambition.
Not because they don’t have any aspirations or dreams.
Yes, they do own a few franchises, have a successful career,
and perhaps a own few raving enterprises.
But they could accomplish so much more!
Maybe they see thru the emptiness of it all. Maybe they just
want a taste of success before moving on to their next nirvana in life. Maybe they are tired of it all and too
burnout to keep it going.
I am sure we all meet these type-A individuals from time to
time. They tend to be content. Slack a little. Lack that fire in the
And u always wonder,
what it will be like if they
are just a little bit more ambitious with their abilities ,
if they could go miles instead of feets, lightspeed instead of wagon-pace. How
far and how much good can they produce for society and well being beyond
What if there is one word that can ignite all that hidden
ambition, and bring it out from it buried
beneath, to it eternal glory?
One word?
And Three letters.
You are probably already
yawning and moaning.
It is lame. Fun?
To make it fun so that a person gets ambitious and
It sounds outdated
and will have worked already if
it is that simple!
But I m talking about a very different kind of FUN.
The type of FUN that comes with FULFILLMENT.
In the last article, http://idu1.blogspot.com/2012/09/revamping-charity-system-with-passion.html
“Revamping the Charity System
with Passion Inc- is having maximum FUN the ultimate Savior to all Social Problems?!!
Part II –Why Charities are getting it all wrong!”,
we talked
about grouping people under specific Passion or Affinity grps.
And under each affinity grp, u have your group of problem solvers,
helping the needy in each grp solve their problems. We also mentioned that this is a superior way of “people helping
people” since the team chemistry is already there since people of similar
passions play, talk , share with each other more often than any other
Friendship grps.
If it happened that any one in the Affinity grp become a
needy, need help or need to have a problem solved, it is quite difficult for
the whole grp to have their usual fun without having help this needy first.
It is
only when everyone in the grp is happy with their problems solved could WE have
the most FUN- more in line with “all for one, and one for all”
Thus the natural way of helping people. Through FUN.
Helping solve others
problems which in turn eliminate worries, thus maximizing FUN among each other, and also maximizing personal Fulfillment of “people helping people”.
Eliminating others worries and problems=Maximize Joy of
others, maximizing FUN of Everyone.
Compare this idea to other ways of “people helping people” such as friends from workplace, schools,
religious orgs., charity orgs, u will begin to see that the Affinity grp way is a much more effective and fun method of
problem solving among friends.
So where does the “ambitious the unambitious” fits in to all these?
It kinds of puts a
necessary pressure on the type-A
individual, the talented, to “go
the extra mile”, to perform optimally, economically or socially, so to help
solve some of these wider problems of small or large scale, of all members
belonging to their affinity grps. This also applies to any person, not just the
type-A people, to “go the extra mile”,
squeezing out that additional inch of effort, time and
But Pressure? Is this pressure really FUN ?
Sounds a lot more like stress ?!
Well, the answer goes back to the notion of true freedom comes with Responsibility.
And that optimal FUN comes from joy of others-
Maximum Fun achieved through Happiness and Fulfillment of
Furthermore, the
pressure doesn’t feel like pressure if
u align ones ambition along with Passion.
Achieving ambition
thru passion.
Ambition thru FUN.
But this wider topic
belongs to another article where the opportunities are endless under Passion Inc.
here is the smallest blog in human history for the biggest task of "Making History" - Nonprofit Leadership
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here is the smallest blog in human history for the biggest task of "Making History" - Nonprofit Leadership
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