Thursday 31 December 2015

Ending the era of Failures- why good ideas fail....the Perfect Team at a single click of a button- "Perfect Team PART 2"

What if the Perfect Team for Success just require a click of a button?

From PART 1 of the article,

we talked about why most small or big business ideas fail and it is not the idea itself that is flawed but the lack of creating the Perfect Team.

The research on this topic  in the last 20 years of web research has yield a few good results. Wikipedia has done a pretty good summary
on the topic and what products are publicly available-

We will further list a ton of useful links at the end of this article for readers who want further solid research.

From the wikipedia page, it is stated-

"No matter where a person works, difficult personalities present problems and challenges in the workplace. These inhibitor personalities cause a great deal of stress and are sometimes complex to address. The temptation is to avoid people with personalities that inhibit logical workflow as it takes time, skill and effort to deal with them. Personality conflicts are felt by all managers at all levels, but most avoid dealing directly with them. A study of 250 senior professionals conducted in the United Kingdom in 2005 noted that half of those surveyed encountered difficult people on a daily basis (Berry 2005). Despite this finding, the study noted that only 15% of managers actually confronted the inhibiting behavior. 55% tried to help by discussing the problems and 30% just ignored or put up with the difficult personality. These findings are largely due to the lack of knowledge about how to deal with inhibitor personalities and the inability to confront the stresses involved."  

So what are the steps to create this Perfect Team?

2 Steps.

Namely the Personality test for each individual team member,
and the Team Assembly Test, that assembles the Perfect Team based on the myriad of differing personalities of team members' 'strength and weaknesses.

First. each team member will take a personality test- there are about 5 popular and good ones out in the industry but two of them  named the "Big5" and "Myers-Briggs"  seems to be the more popular ones and more solid in results. The  "Myers-Briggs" method also has a follow up Team Assembly package, which seems preferable.
Links to all that at end of this article.

The Personality test results will then be inputted into the Team Assembly software that assembles the Perfect team to avoid personality clashes and to  maximize outputs and productivity by getting the right individuals to work more together.

A Perfect team in our opinion  usually includes the following important players-

1. Extrovert-- high level of assertiveness, peoples skills to get things done quickly, able to ask for help at rapid speed

2,  Connector- the one with that  Rolodex of connections, being able to call up anyone in any industry to solve anything

3. Negotiator- one who is an expert negotiator to get the best favorable terms under any varied context

4  Leader - one who inspires, motivates and bonds the team together.

5. Introvert- the  quiet but detailed oriented person ,the solver, the analyzer,  objective thinker, extremely observant, to spot problems at the earliest outset

6. Creative- the out of box thinker to solve any problem

7. Data Rich- researcher which has all the data and research for any questions.

8. Operator- one who is handson, direct, one who  runs and executes the whole operation swiftly with focus and momentum.

And of course, any one individual can cover one or more of the above functions.

The Team Assembly software is available from Consulting companies  and many websites, which tries to balance  team diversity vs minimizing personality conflicts.

The focus of PART 2 of our article here is not to dwell on these offerings, methods,  since readers can follow up on your own.
What we want to focus here are 2 key areas that are not usually talked about in the industry, overlooked or misunderstood, that will be crucial in creating that perfect team.

First- Awareness

This is something not usually done anywhere.
But it should.

Personality tests should be given to every team member with their profiles discussed and shared with everyone else in the team-thus everyone is made aware of Team conflict areas and potential zones.
This creates open transparency on what to expect of others and ourselves.
Personality of each member strengths and weakness, tendency to work with others, potential weakness in teamwork should be openly shared- thus creating Awareness.  This step minimizes any unexpected conflicts based on individual "personal thinking" or misinterpretation of others behaviors.

By creating this Awareness and Opening Up, we are actually Reminding everyone that Teamwork is crucial and we need everyone
to do their best in collaboration, and watch out for personal nuances that may disrupt team chemistry.

Secondly, something more important, that is crucially missing is todays world.

With all that software, personality and team tests, and varying competing team chemistry theories out there lies something missing.
The one important piece, neglected.
The one final piece to complete the puzzle.

The one final piece to end the string of failures, to embark  the glories of Success.

No, it is not a jedi, imperial guard, stormtrooper, inquistor.
Or bb8.

It is the Facilitator.

Every team should have an independent, outside Facilitator- who is an Human Resource, Personality Test expert, as well as a Teamwork expert, whose job is to mainly facilitate smooth relationship within the group. His or her role would be of a relationship manager, making sure team members of all chemistry and temperament work together peacefully, especially those type A individuals, who could be quite bossy and abrasive.

The Facilitator is a relationship manager, the Alchemist of Team Chemistry and the provider of balance-necessary for all successful teamwork.

 He understands the profile of each member well, aware of everyones strengths and weaknesses, and thus potential future conflicts.

The Facilitator is often overlooked in big corporates or anywhere as it is assumed most of the times, that the leader of the team should be taking on this important function.
But alas! The leader, who historically a type A individual, is a poor choice in personality for this crucial Facilitator role.- too abrasive or aggressive, who is too engrossed and impatient in reaching team goals "no matter what".

A Facilitator is not just someone perfect and smooth  in communication skills, but also all aspects of interpersonal social skills-someone trained to be observant and critical, yet friendly and open to all personality profiles.   He is like the neighborhood shrink ANYONE can talk to, and spill their complaints.

In addition, a Facilitator should be someone independent, from the outside, some one NOT involved in the project, much like a outside auditor,so to maintain an unbiased perspective on every team member. 
He plays an important role of Maximizing Team  Strengths and Eliminating Weakness/Conflicts by being extremely observant throughout every team's meeting and work  process, so to pinpoint, correct and advise correctly on any personality clashes or roadblocks. He is also a maximizer of team strengths through productive brains storming, idea creativity sessions, and ensures harmony in every work process.

The typical areas of conflict scenarios  due to differing personality conflicts a facilitator should be aware of includes-

introvert vs extroverts,
type A vs everyone
solo type vs team player,
high eq vs socially inept
sensitive/emotional vs stoic
openness to new ideas, risk-taking,  highly agreeable to conservative risk averse

One important role a facilitator play is to be aware and catch possible lying and misrepresentation of workers' personality types  in the Personality tests through daily observation.

Another important role is to balance out office politics and divisions among faction affiliations within the team-  office politics is often a disease that kills all good teamwork and ideas.

So yes, the Facilitator is the final piece of the puzzle, the long missing piece of creating that Perfect team, with a click of a button!

Professional Resources

The following list includes links to a few consulting firms specializing in personalities:

end of blog
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